Speak with one of our fertility experts to discuss your personal circumstances and learn more about your infertility treatment options;  FOR FERTILITY related treatments please contact DR KOOPERSMITH at THE CALIFORNIA CENTER 4 REPRODUCTION   818-907-1571 or make an appointment.

How Our Fertility Doctors Can Help You

fertility doctors

For some couples, getting pregnant can be met with challenges. There are a few things that couples can do to increase their chances of getting pregnant before seeing one of our fertility doctors. If you desire professional intervention, our fertility doctors can help in multiple ways. In most situations, IVF isn’t necessary, which is one […]

Learn More about Infertility Hormonal Treatment

Infertility Hormonal Treatment

You have been actively trying to get pregnant for well over a year. At first, you were filled with excitement. As time went by, you started to get nervous. The longer you wait, the more afraid you become. You’re wondering what is wrong with you. This is such an easy process for so many women. […]

Common Questions about the Egg Donor Cycle

Egg Donor

You have decided to become an egg donor. There is no greater gift you can give in the world. You will be helping a couple to conceive. When a woman trying to become pregnant has trouble with egg production, your egg can save the day. In order to get started, you will need to see […]

What Is Fertility Preservation?

Fertility Preservation

Protecting the ability to have biological children is important to many people. Give the fact that a number of events can hamper that ability, it makes sense to consider ways to ensure that becoming a biological parent remains a possibility. One of the most effective solutions is known as fertility preservation. Here is some information […]

Take the Next Step with Our Fertility Specialist

fertility specialist

You always thought getting pregnant would be like a walk in the park. It’s supposed to happen naturally. It’s happened too easily for many women you know. You are struggling. You and your partner have been trying for a long time. You’ve tried using an ovulation calendar so you know the best time of the […]

Find Answers with the Help of Our Infertility Doctors

Infertility Doctors

There is nothing you want more than to be a mother. You thought it would be simple. You and your partner have been intimate as much as possible. At first, you just enjoyed yourself. Now that a year has gone by, you’re worried. You know stress can’t be helpful, but you don’t know why pregnancy […]

What Causes Male Infertility?

Male infertility

Male infertility is a medical condition that affects men. With this condition, men are less likely to impregnate their female companion with unprotected sex. It is a common issue that prevents couples from conceiving. Low sperm production or irregular sperm delivery are factors to why male infertility occurs. What are the Causes? In order to […]

How Egg Donation Can Give You the Family You Want

Egg donation

You are dealing with serious fertility issues. You thought you just needed more time. You tried to relax. You used an ovulation calendar to track the times you would be most fertile. The problem is your menstrual cycles are very irregular. You have gone months at a time without a period. Testing from the fertility […]

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