Speak with one of our fertility experts to discuss your personal circumstances and learn more about your infertility treatment options;  FOR FERTILITY related treatments please contact DR KOOPERSMITH at THE CALIFORNIA CENTER 4 REPRODUCTION   818-907-1571 or make an appointment.

Miscarriage and Future Pregnancy

You Are Not Alone

If you’ve experienced a miscarriage, you’re not alone. Many couples will experience a miscarriage, or sometimes multiple miscarriages, while they are trying to successfully conceive. Often women don’t realize how common miscarriage is until they hear stories from other women who’ve also been through it.

The most important thing to know is that you can still have a successful pregnancy, despite a history of miscarriage.

Miscarriages and Age

The following chart represents the chances of miscarriages based on maternal age:


Miscarriage Explained

If you’ve experienced a pregnancy that ended before 7 weeks, it may be comforting to know that 70% of the time, it’s because the embryo was not normal. There may have been a genetic issue, such as an imbalanced set of chromosomes, that caused the pregnancy to develop abnormally. There is nothing that you’ve done wrong, and nothing that could have prevented the miscarriage. It’s your body’s natural way of ending a pregnancy that would not have resulted in a healthy baby.

If your pregnancy ended after 7 weeks, or if you’ve experienced recurrent miscarriages, there may be factors affecting implantation and pregnancy that we can help you with. Thyroid problems, diabetes complications, coagulation defects, estrogen or progesterone deficiencies, fibroids, polyps, and congenital anomalies in the uterus are just a few of the issues that we can successfully help identify and treat.

Reasons for Miscarriage

While it isn’t always possible to pinpoint the exact reason for recurrent miscarriages, we can work together with you to find solutions to improve the likelihood of a successful pregnancy. We won’t wait until you’ve had three or more miscarriages to start investigating what the issue might be. After two miscarriages, we’ll do a full, customized workup and evaluation to see if we can determine a cause before another loss occurs.

Together, We’ll Find YOUR Way

We look forward to meeting you, learning about you, and helping you to be healthy and happy. To schedule an appointment, call the West Coast Women’s Reproductive Center at 818-986-1648 or make an appointment.

She is hiding in plain sight, hidden within your heart and body, mind and soul. 

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