Speak with one of our fertility experts to discuss your personal circumstances and learn more about your infertility treatment options;  FOR FERTILITY related treatments please contact DR KOOPERSMITH at THE CALIFORNIA CENTER 4 REPRODUCTION   818-907-1571 or make an appointment.

How Our Fertility Doctors Can Help You

fertility doctors

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For some couples, getting pregnant can be met with challenges. There are a few things that couples can do to increase their chances of getting pregnant before seeing one of our fertility doctors. If you desire professional intervention, our fertility doctors can help in multiple ways. In most situations, IVF isn’t necessary, which is one of the reasons why you might not want to seek assistance from a doctor.

When you visit our fertility doctors, several tests will be performed on you and your partner. These tests can often determine if there is a physical issue or if your health is alright. If there are no health factors to consider, then our doctors will look at other reasons as to why it could be difficult for you to conceive before making a referral to begin the IVF process.

Keep in mind that most doctors want you to try to get pregnant for about a year before seeking fertility assistance. It could simply be taking time for your body to reach the point where everything comes together in order for you to get pregnant. However, if you’re over the age of 35, then you should consider visiting our office after about six months of trying to get pregnant instead of waiting for a year.

One of the things that you can do is track your ovulation schedule. Our doctors can show you how to keep track of your fertile days and some of the signs to look for that indicate when you’re ovulating. If you begin to chart these details, then you can better plan when to have sex with your partner each month to increase your chances of getting pregnant. When you meet with one of our fertility doctors, you can talk about the regularity of your menstrual cycles and what you’ve been experiencing with each cycle. Sometimes, you could have a period without ovulating that month. This is usually when your doctor will perform tests to determine the function and health of your ovaries as well as other components of your reproductive system to ensure that there are no issues.

Another way that our doctors can help with infertility is to test the sperm of your partner. Many women think they are the reason why they can’t get pregnant when it could be the man. Fortunately, there are medications and other things to do to increase sperm count so that the chances of pregnancy are increased.

Visit West Coast Women’s Reproductive Center in Sherman Oaks to learn more, or contact us today to schedule your appointment!

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