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What Is Fertility Preservation?

Fertility Preservation

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Protecting the ability to have biological children is important to many people. Give the fact that a number of events can hamper that ability, it makes sense to consider ways to ensure that becoming a biological parent remains a possibility. One of the most effective solutions is known as fertility preservation. Here is some information that you should know about this group of strategies and a few examples of when they can be helpful.

Understanding the Basic Concept

The idea behind fertility preservation is to collect and preserve organic material that is essential for the conception of a child. The exact form the process takes can vary. For example, the focus may be on collecting and freezing sperm that can later be used for fertilizing an egg. There is also the possibility of harvesting eggs and preserving them for future fertilization by a sperm donor.

Preservation for Cancer Patients

One of the more common reasons to employ some form of fertility preservation is the presence of cancer. Surgery, chemotherapy, and radiation therapy do come with some risks. That includes a reduction in the ability to have children. By choosing to collect eggs or sperm before cancer treatments commence, it’s possible to freeze them and ensure they remain available for future use.

In the event that the methods used to defeat the cancer do end up making it impossible to have a child, the frozen sperm or eggs can be used in an effort to conceive. This may be managed with the aid of a surrogate if necessary.

Safeguard Against a Genetic Condition

What if there is some type of genetic issue that decreases the ability to have children as the years pass? One way to safeguard against this possibility is to collect eggs or sperm while you’re still young. In the event that you decide to have children at a later date and have difficulty conceiving, the frozen sperm or eggs can be used instead. This ensures that even if your genetic condition eventually robs you of the ability to have a child, fertility preservation will provide the opportunity.

Do you wonder if fertility preservation is right for you? You can learn more by visiting West Coast Women’s Reproductive Center in Sherman Oaks, CA. Talk with us about what you have in mind and we’ll answer any questions that you have. If you want to proceed, we’ll make the arrangements for the collection and for ensuring the collected material is handled with care. Contact us today to schedule your consultation!

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