Speak with one of our fertility experts to discuss your personal circumstances and learn more about your infertility treatment options;  FOR FERTILITY related treatments please contact DR KOOPERSMITH at THE CALIFORNIA CENTER 4 REPRODUCTION   818-907-1571 or make an appointment.

Learn More about Infertility Hormonal Treatment

Infertility Hormonal Treatment

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You have been actively trying to get pregnant for well over a year. At first, you were filled with excitement. As time went by, you started to get nervous. The longer you wait, the more afraid you become. You’re wondering what is wrong with you. This is such an easy process for so many women. You never imagined it would be a struggle for you. You have gone to a fertility specialist because you can’t take it anymore. You need to find answers and learn what you can do to have a baby in your future. Infertility hormonal treatment could be the answer for you.

Seeing a Fertility Specialist Is the First Step

You made the right choice to come in and see a fertility specialist. As a general guideline, women who are over 35 should see a specialist about fertility issues if they have not had any success after six months of trying to conceive. If you are under 35, you are given a year as the best window of opportunity to try on your own. Once you pass that mark, it’s a wise choice to see an expert in fertility issues. This will give you an opportunity to have an evaluation for both you and your partner. In the end, you can have the peace of mind that comes with knowing you are doing everything you can. You may find that there isn’t a problem at all. You just need to take the pressure off of yourself, become aware of your most fertile times of the month, and carry on. However, infertility hormonal treatment could help you if there is a problem.

A Simple Solution Could Work for You

Your reproductive system may need a little extra help to make conception easier for you. If your fertility specialist recommends infertility hormonal treatment, you will be prescribed hormones that are designed to stimulate your follicles and to trigger ovulation. If your haven’t been ovulating regularly, these drugs can give your ovaries a boost. You could even produce multiple eggs when you take infertility hormones. Combine your infertility hormonal treatment with a clear knowledge of your peak ovulation days during the month for the best results. You have a good chance of becoming pregnant within six months of beginning infertility hormonal treatment. If it doesn’t work, our specialist will talk with you about other options.

Learn More about Infertility Hormonal Treatment Today

To find out if infertility hormonal treatment is the right plan for you, get in touch with the team at West Coast Women’s Reproductive Center in Sherman Oaks. If it is a matter of improving your ovulation, infertility hormonal treatment could work for you. Contact us today to schedule your consultation!

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