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Common Questions about the Egg Donor Cycle

Egg Donor

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You have decided to become an egg donor. There is no greater gift you can give in the world. You will be helping a couple to conceive. When a woman trying to become pregnant has trouble with egg production, your egg can save the day. In order to get started, you will need to see a fertility specialist to find out how the egg donor cycle works. It won’t happen overnight. You’ll need to be patient. However, the awards will be invaluable when you think of the new little ones that could be coming into this world because of your generous donation.

What Is the First Step to Egg Donation?

Before you can make an egg donation, your reproductive system will need to be evaluated. You will have a pelvic exam to assess your ovaries. Expect blood work to check your hormone levels. You may need other assessments, including an ultrasound to focus on your ovaries. Fertility specialists will want to make sure you are a good candidate as a donor.

Is Additional Screening Necessary?

In addition to checking your fertility, your will also go through medical screening to ensure you are in good health. Genetic screening is another piece of the puzzle to ensure there is no risk of passing on a genetic disorder through your egg donation. Specialists will perform a psychological evaluation to discuss why you are going through the egg donor process. They will want to be sure that you understand what is involved and that you are truly a willing participant.

What Is Involved in Egg Retrieval?

Egg retrieval is easy. The process of harvesting your eggs will only take about a half hour when you go to the fertility clinic. You will be sedated for retrieval and monitored afterward to make sure your it is safe to send you home. Someone should drive you home and be with you the rest of the day to make sure you don’t have any type of problems after donating your eggs. It is rare to have any complications.

Learn More about Becoming an Egg Donor

If you would like to be a part of the miracle of life for someone who has difficulty conceiving, our team at West Coast Women’s Reproductive Center in Sherman Oaks would love to help. You will be able to ask questions and find out if you are a good candidate. Your eggs could help someone else to be parents, bringing new life into the world. The first step begins with you. Contact us today to schedule your consultation!

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