Speak with one of our fertility experts to discuss your personal circumstances and learn more about your infertility treatment options;  FOR FERTILITY related treatments please contact DR KOOPERSMITH at THE CALIFORNIA CENTER 4 REPRODUCTION   818-907-1571 or make an appointment.

How Egg Donation Can Give You the Family You Want

Egg Donation

You are dealing with serious fertility issues. You thought you just needed more time. You tried to relax. You used an ovulation calendar to track the times you would be most fertile. The problem is your menstrual cycles are very irregular. You have gone months at a time without a period. Testing from the fertility […]

Worried? Visit Our Women’s Fertility Center

Women's Fertility Center

Have you been trying to get pregnant with no success? Sometimes, the success that you thought that you had only ended in a miscarriage. If this sounds like something you’ve experienced and you’re worried that something could be wrong with you or your partner, consider visiting our women’s fertility center. When you arrive at the […]

What Are Surrogacy Agencies?

Surrogacy Agencies

When it seems like there are no other options for starting the family you want to have, there is one available that you might not know about. Surrogacy agencies are an option as there are people who want to carry children for those who are unable to carry a baby on their own. It’s normal […]

Why You Should Visit a Reproductive Doctor

reproductive doctor

Getting pregnant is not always a walk in the park. Sometimes, you could be trying to have a baby by conceiving, but it’s not fruitful. The alarming fact is that the older you get, the less fertile you become. As such, you should visit a reproductive doctor who will help you out accordingly after a […]

Learn about Ovarian Treatments for Fertility (Ovarian Reserve)

One of the hardest things a woman can go through is infertility. For one, it’s emotionally taxing in so many different ways. From believing that there is something wrong with you to feeling hopeless, women may go through a range of different emotions. But we want you to know that you’re not alone. Although there […]

When is a Trip to IVF Specialists the Best Option?

IVF Specialists

If you’ve been trying to get pregnant and have seen little success or have suffered from multiple miscarriages, then a trip to IVF specialists might be the best option for you and your partner. The specialist you talk to can order various tests to determine what could be the underlying issue resulting in not being […]

Starting the Conversation with Our Fertility Doctor

fertility doctor

The hope of having a family is beginning to wane. After trying for some time, nothing is happening. Before you give up, it makes sense to seek help from a fertility doctor. During that initial conversation, the doctor will provide you with quite a bit of information. Here are some examples of the questions you […]

Can Infertility Doctors Really Help?

Infertility Doctors

Couples who have been trying to conceive and been unable to do so often turn to infertility doctors. The good news is that these medical professionals can often help the couple find out what’s happening and get back on the path to becoming parents. Here are some examples of what the doctor will do on […]

When Should I Consider Uterine Surgery?

uterine surgery

Although you can live without your uterus if necessary, this organ needs to be as healthy as possible if you want to have children. If you suspect that there could be a health issue related to your uterus or other parts of your reproductive system, you should consult with a gynecologist who can perform the […]

IVF with ICSI: A Male Infertility Treatment

male infertility treatment

Trying to find the right male infertility treatment can be extremely difficult. Most men are already familiar with IVF and vitro fertilization. What a lot of men are unaware of is a process called ICSI. ICSI stands for Intracellular Sperm Injection and is included in the IVF procedure. An IVF can be performed without using […]

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