Speak with one of our fertility experts to discuss your personal circumstances and learn more about your infertility treatment options;  FOR FERTILITY related treatments please contact DR KOOPERSMITH at THE CALIFORNIA CENTER 4 REPRODUCTION   818-907-1571 or make an appointment.

Why Understanding Success Rates Are Important

Success Rates

When it comes to selecting a fertility clinic, we understand that finding one with a high success rate is important to you. But a number doesn’t tell the whole story, and often the statistics you see online are manipulated to look high – and may well be based on treatment plans that you wouldn’t want, and that wouldn’t necessarily work for you.

For example, some infertility clinics push patients toward using donated eggs rather than their own eggs because this improves their overall statistics. But, if that’s not the course of fertility treatment you’re interested in, then that number is misleading and unrelated to your unique circumstances.

Your Success Rate

At West Coast Women’s Reproductive Center, we are 100% interested in your personalized chances to conceive a child.

By taking a close, scientific look at your medical, surgical, familial and social history, we are able to devise a custom success rate statistic and specific fertility treatment plan that supports the best statistical success for you personally.

Together, We’ll Find YOUR Way

Your unique success rate statistic also reaffirms our promise to you: Together, well find a way.

If you are struggling with fertility challenges and would like to speak with one of our fertility expert to discuss your personal circumstances, as well as to learn more about your infertility treatment options, please contact the West Coast Women’s Reproductive Center at 818-986-1648 or make an appointment.

She is hiding in plain sight, hidden within your heart and body, mind and soul. 

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