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IVF with ICSI: A Male Infertility Treatment

male infertility treatment

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Trying to find the right male infertility treatment can be extremely difficult. Most men are already familiar with IVF and vitro fertilization. What a lot of men are unaware of is a process called ICSI. ICSI stands for Intracellular Sperm Injection and is included in the IVF procedure. An IVF can be performed without using ICSI. In this instance, an embryology laboratory would be used to combine the sperm and eggs. The egg is fertilized when the sperm cell pierces the wall. When the procedure is successful, the fertilized egg will be able to grow and then divide. This will eventually become an embryo capable of being transferred to the uterus of a woman.

During this particular male infertility treatment, a single sperm is injected by the embryologist into the egg. This eliminates the need for the sperm to break through the outer wall of the egg. The ICSI procedure is commonly used when the male partner is experiencing fertility issues referred to as male factor infertility. In some instances, his sperm count is too low to be able to fertilize an egg successfully. The issue may be his sperm does not have the strength to swim far enough to reach the egg. This is referred to as a motility issue. A morphology issue is when the shape of the sperm is off and unable to penetrate the wall of the egg.

In certain instances, the ejaculate of the male partner does not have enough sperm. This can occur even when sperm is being produced by the testicles due to abnormalities or blockages contained in the vas deferens, or the tubes responsible for the delivery of sperm. It is possible to extract sperm directly from the testicles to use in a laboratory with IVF and ICSI. This male infertility treatment is often used when there is no appearance of issues with the male partner’s sperm but fertilized eggs did not result from the last IVF cycle. ICSI ensures the sperm successfully penetrates the egg to increase the odds of fertilization.

The research conducted in the United States has determined the success rates for IVF with ICSI are a lot like using just IVF for couples without any sperm issues. It is important to note using ICSI does not guarantee the end result will be a baby from the treatment. The factors that impact IVF the most include the actual age of the eggs. The procedure was created to provide couples with sperm infertility issues with a better chance of having a baby.

If you are trying to have a baby, male infertility treatment at West Coast Women’s Reproductive Center may be the answer. We are conveniently located in Sherman Oaks. Contact us today to schedule your consultation!

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