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When Should I Receive Ovulation Pills?

ovulation pills

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Getting pregnant and starting a family is a major part of life for many women. Most women feel incomplete if they are unable to become pregnant. Infertility is a sad part of life for women who have tried to get pregnant for a year or more without success. However, using ovulation pills, you may be able to finally get pregnant with your partner safely.

What Are Ovulation Pills?

An ovulation pill raises your likelihood of getting pregnant through sexual intercourse or through other methods, such as IVF. These are oral treatments that are taken at specific times during your monthly cycle to make the environment in your body more welcoming to a fertilized egg. While there are several specific types of ovulation pills, one of the most popular options is Clomiphene citrate, more commonly known as Clomid. This pill has been around and has been safely used for over 40 years. When it is in your system, it will help you ovulate correctly, producing an egg at just the right time. Specifically, Clomid blocks estrogen and instead causes your body to release three other hormones that tell your ovaries to make eggs.

When Should You Take Them?

To work, ovulation pills must be taken at just the right times. Your monthly cycle occurs because of regular hormonal increases and decreases. While estrogen and progesterone are the hormones most associated with this cycle, many others are also involved when it comes to getting pregnant.

Our doctor will give you the most accurate information for when you should take your ovulation pills. In general, you will start the pills approximately two to five days after your period begins and will take one pill each day for five days. About a week later, you should ovulate.

If you do not ovulate, our doctor may raise the dose on your ovulation pills. You and our doctor will work together to determine whether or not you are ovulating. Once you begin ovulating, you may continue taking the pills for around six months. You should become pregnant during this time. If you do not, you may need to try a different treatment.

If you have been trying to get pregnant for a year or more without success, you should definitely turn to one of our practitioners for help. We use the safest and most proven techniques and will help you make lifestyle changes that will improve your likelihood of becoming pregnant. However, a major part of infertility treatment for many individuals is ovulation pills that are taken at certain points during the monthly cycle.

To learn more about the fertility options we offer, simply speak with the professionals at West Coast Women’s Reproductive Center in Sherman Oaks, CA. Contact us today to schedule your consultation!

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