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Dualities vs. Oneness

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Why do we persist in seeing dualities if oneness is a universal truth?

And again, why is this important?

In my last post, I discussed dualities and the fact that all dualities are indeed oneness disguised as a duality. By understanding that opposite emotions are not just complementary but indeed actually two ends of the same spectrum or two sides to the same coin, we can move through life with more ease and flow. But why then, do we falsely see these dualities as competing and opposite? 

Why does the mind do this?

The mind’s job is to think and to divide. In fact, the mind demands internal order, untangling a bowl of spaghetti. The mind organizes and deciphers patterns and codes. The mind is just a computer — hence it sees in dualities — the 0s and 1s of the computer binary system, which is based on our mind’s ability to separate and divide, to catalog, create order from disorder. The mind does this naturally because that is just what the mind does best. 

But the mind-body is just one part of us. The mind incorrectly hijacks our thoughts and tells us falsely that “we” are “the mind”. But we are so much more than the mind.

As a human, we have four bodies, not just one body. We have a mind body, a physical body, an emotional body and an energetic body. For every experience, we have a thought, image (or smell, touch, taste,sound), an emotion and a body sensation. The thought is but one part of the experience. 

Our mind body likes to tell the other bodies it is in control and that thought is primary — that we are our thoughts. But this is false. 

Thought is but one part of the experience. As society and civilization has modernized, we have learned to trust our thoughts more than our emotions, physical sensations or how we experience the external world through our senses. This is reductionism at best. Moreover, this reductionist approach divides our body and separates us into our parts and we become less whole. This state creates unease and discomfort. 

The whole body – or more accurately four bodies – is more than the sum of its parts. And it is only in the integration of all four parts that we can experience a wholeness that is greater than our physical selves. Only in this integration can we begin to see the miracle that we are. And experience calmness. 

We are divinity itself. 

Each and every one of you was created from the same energy that created the whole world.

Hence the ancient saying — “If you save one life, it is as if you saved the whole world.” 

More importantly, if you can accept that emotions are not just complementary but actually two different ways to see the same reality, then you can put your brain and thoughts in their place and be bigger than your thoughts. And enjoy a calmer, more confident life.

To explore these ideas and holistic health, nutrition, wellness and passion, and more, Join me every Friday for a wellness journey with Flip Your Mindset!  

  • To connect to and process our thoughts, images, emotions and body sensations. 
  • To integrate all four of our bodies
  • To understand how your personal nervous system is wired
  • To enhance your communication skills and styles
  • To learn how to maximize your wellness

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