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Healing Your Four Inner Bodies

Integrative healing fertility

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Today, there is a separation between ancient, traditional medical systems and modern medicine. Within each group, there are even those who have a disdain for anything that goes against their brand of wisdom and their accepted treatment modalities. Perhaps a skepticism or unease with change or the unknown. But, after 25 years of experience practicing gynecology, I began to study integrative medicine. Blending the old and the new coupled with taking a fresh, unbiased approach to patients leads to a more customized integrative treatment plan.

Ancient medical systems explained the body in a holistic, integrative approach. For example, in ancient Chinese medicine the energy meridians run through the entire body, so points  at one part of the body may affect organ systems remote from the needle. Different foods affect individuals differently, due to each person’s unique constitution.

Modern medicine is more reductive in nature, because it ‘reduces’ the body to its organs. The premise is that each organ and each organ system is separate from each other. Our Western Modern medical system divides the body into parts and proceeds to try to heal the body part by part.  

But we are an interconnected body, much greater than the sum of the parts. This fundamental premise is crucial to maximize health and wellness because of the medical community’s predilection to prescribe medicines where often the side effects can outweigh the primary goal or there might be natural, non-drug solutions and treatments. Thus, healing solely through the western medical system is by its very nature limited and the illusion that this system is the Only way to heal is myopic at best, often suboptimal and destructive to many.

An integrative system of healing and a holistic view of medicine and healing is essential to maximize human health and wellness, both individually and systemically. 

During 2020, I went deep into the study of the Erotic Blueprints™. Jaiya, a sexologist, described a ‘human wiring system’ to explain how individuals are uniquely “wired” to experience arousal and pleasure. Each blueprint taps into the person’s nervous system in a slightly different way. These Blueprints can establish a framework for how people approach life and other people. If we step back, this approach makes total sense because collectively humans are the same and yet each individual is slightly different, unique.

I believe the Blueprints correspond to the ancients’ understanding of the human as four bodies in one. Our four bodies are the energetic, emotional, physical and mind.

We can use this system to help individuals understand how they are wired to experience their reality – this will help individuals stay more aware of how they perceive their reality and this will help with a sense of understanding, wholeness and peace. 

As a healing community, once we can understand that humans are: 

  1. Four bodies in one
  2. More than the sum of our parts; and, 
  3. Each individual is wired with our different bodies in different relative proportions to their other inner bodies. For example, in one person, one “body” may be more developed than another “body” or the other three bodies.

Healing in an Integrative Fashion is Essential

Healing by necessity requires healing each of our bodies — energetic, emotional, physical and mind

Different modalities of healing are better at addressing our different bodies. And to maximize healing and wellness, it’s crucial to take each patient or client’s unique person into account, evaluate each body into its relative weighting and design a custom treatment plan. 

Health professionals need to recognize this and devise a Health System that: 

  1. Helps our patients understand themselves better – what is your blueprint?
  2. Helps the practitioner understand their own personal wiring – what blueprint is your healer?
  3. Helps the practitioner better understand their patients – what blueprint is your patient?
  4. Helps the practitioners understand which “body” their suite of healing systems is best designed to treat the particular client.
  5. Helps our patients develop skills and talents to both recognize all four of their bodies and how they interrelate; and choose a healing modality that is most needed in their present circumstance.
  6. Gives equal credence to treating all four bodies and accepts different healers as different but equal.

Only when we take all five of these components into account can we create a true System of Healing that is diverse, accepting and superior to the reductionist system of medicine which at its core divides healers into a hierarchy of better/worse, real/false.

To Create a Life Filled with Ease, Flow and Calm that’s Full of Energy and Joy, and learn how to decipher and harness your four bodies into a more healthful you, join me, Dr. Tina – attend my interactive ZOOM calls every Friday at 2pm Pacific Time; 5pm Eastern Time.

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She is hiding in plain sight, hidden within your heart and body, mind and soul. 

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