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The Path To Calmness

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Understanding the Oneness of Dualities

The winter solstice has come and gone. The shortest, darkest day of the year. Darkness is for many associated with depression, sadness and negativity. For many, we long for the days of summer. We long for warmth, play and outdoor activities. Winter is a time of hibernation, of going inward, of slowing down. Animals instinctively know this. We humans desperately try to ignore this instinct — we spend so  much energy on distraction and trying to avoid the darkness. We invented fire and light to avoid listening to our body rhythms. 

But darkness cannot exist without light. The two opposites, dark and light, exist only in comparison. Beauty can exist only in relation to ugliness. Good is the opposite of Bad. 

And yet, are these dualities truly opposites and dualities or are they just two ends of the spectrum and hence really one and the same? 

My belief is that all dualities, while appearing to be complementary and opposites, are all really just ONE. Two seemingly opposing forces are really the two halves of a coin. Oneness exists in all things; duality is an artificial construct created by our minds.

When we accept this, we have a greater ability to notice the charge that pulls us closer to one of the two dualities and consequently negatively affects our emotional state. When we are aware of our own emotional charge, we have a greater ability to respond in a thoughtful way and not react. Being centered allows us to live a more calm life, not bouncing between the two extremes of the two dualities. 

Living from the center, aware of the oneness, we can gain peace of mind.

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She is hiding in plain sight, hidden within your heart and body, mind and soul. 

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