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What Does Infertility, Illness, Stuckness, or Purgatory Feel Like?

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I offer up some metaphors that really helped me.

You are adrift in the ocean amid a hurricane –no anchor –no visible shore 

And the waves are thrashing, and you feel you can’t come up for air 


what do you do when you feel you are drowning in the ocean storm? 

You set down an anchor and you start to float  

You turn over and stop swimming upstream  

You roll over and float  

You breathe  

And if you can breathe you know you are alive  

You keep breathing and then you slow your breath down  

It was fast like you were drowning but now you slow the pace  

You and your breath become one  

You slow it down  

It breathes for you and keeps you alive 

Together the breath and you 

If you can breathe you will survive  

If you have your breath, you are still living 

Now from this place of aliveness you find your strength your stillness and you throw out an anchor 

You steady yourself  

You find the masculine –your presence– your stillness and once that is regained you notice you’re floating with the waves and in those waves, you begin to flow again 

And in the flow, you can find your feminine again 

So how do you this in real life 
How do you find This masculine and This feminine  

It’s the same  

You start with your breath 

Really, if you are alive, you possess your breath and you begin to control your breath rather than let your breath control you  

You breathe  

Your notice your breath  

You count your breath 

You slow your breath 

And you slow it down some more 

And even more and this helps you remember you are alive, and you will survive 

And once you are in control —the breath —the wind —the force of the hurricane that tried to knock you over and crush you didn’t — you see you are still here  

And now that you have control of your breath you can decide what kind of breath do you desire —- slow and steady or fast and energizing  

Which will bring pleasure and flow? 

Which will bring you back to the present? 

Which breath will help you find your true self? 

Which breath is you? 

Which breath is your true feminine?? 

And this —this control of the breath allows you to choose 

 to dance  

to flow  

to be in your feminine with your masculine together as one… 

And you can laugh 

Or you can cry 

You can rage  

Or you can giggle 

You can let go of the storm that is trying to unmoor you— you can free fall — let go of the rudder -let go of this boat or this particular destination —— 

 you forgot  

you could always float on your back  


 surf the waves and have a blast  

Yes, you can let go and from this new vantage point you can breathe and decide that it’s time to cut the engine and just sail 

and let the wind take you to whatever new adventure lies ahead 

and you are committed,  and now ,you know too 

that you will travel in style —  

on a cruise ship 

or a pirate ship  

or a surfboard 
but whatever way you’ll now travel 

it will be with 

Ease and Flow  

I invite you to play with me as we dive into how to play more and stress less in life and love.  

More To Explore

She is hiding in plain sight, hidden within your heart and body, mind and soul. 

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