Speak with one of our fertility experts to discuss your personal circumstances and learn more about your infertility treatment options;  FOR FERTILITY related treatments please contact DR KOOPERSMITH at THE CALIFORNIA CENTER 4 REPRODUCTION   818-907-1571 or make an appointment.

When the Only Thing Regular About Your Period is Irregularity

One of the nice things about periods is that they are normally pretty predictable. Being able to anticipate when you’re going to menstruate means that you can “plan around” it; for example, when scheduling a beach vacation, a wedding, or any other time you’d rather not have to deal with having your period. But for […]

The Hidden Costs of Egg Donation

Recently it was in the news that egg donors were complaining the fertility community was colluding to keep egg donors’ fees low. Egg Donation While in my experience this is not true, there are aspects to the price of egg donation that are worth considering when quantifying the true “cost.” How Much Does Egg Donation […]

To Freeze or not to Freeze: An Egg-cellent Question!

As a fertility specialist and gynecologist, I counsel women daily on contraception and fertility. The rise of egg freezing in recent years has changed the conversation. Women are creators. We are blessed with the ability to produce life, and for many of us, having and raising children is a priority. But it’s not the ONLY […]

The Truth About Your Biological Clock and Why Ovarian Age Matters

A women’s ability to conceive a child is dependent on the quality of her ovaries, fallopian tubes, and uterus, and also the male’s sperm. Through historical data and modern fertility and IVF success rate data, it is now clear that a woman’s age may be the most significant factor affecting her chances of becoming pregnant. Fertility […]

Three Ways to Sail to Success in 2018

Then again, truth be told, nothing really starts anew on January 1st, but we can use this date as a buoy that we sail past while we put old, unrealized goals behind us and plot out new directions for the coming year. In 2015, you may have found yourself going off course – perhaps life […]

Choice and the Subconscious: A Hidden Cause of Infertility?

Back when my mother and grandmother were raised, I can’t help but feel like things were simpler. Tradition dictated that you fall in love, get married, settle down, have children and then your life path would become one of motherhood. A woman’s destiny was normally pre-decided, thanks to social conventions. Women generally didn’t have careers, or […]

The Power of Words in Medicine

Maya Angelou famously once said, “ I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.” At our fertility clinic, and as a doctor who routinely has to deliver news that runs the gamut from happy to horrible, I know […]

Your Period: Normal or Not?

Have you ever wondered if your period is normal? If so, you’re not alone. There are wide variations in what is considered “normal”, making this question a common one. This article will address some of the most common questions asked about menstruation. Why do women have a period? Your period is a result of changes […]

Happy Mother’s Day

This Mother’s Day, Have Compassion, Pay your love forward As a fertility doctor, the goal that tops my list each and every day is to help women experience motherhood. I do my best using modern medical technology to help women in their quest to start and/or grow their families. For those who are unsuccessful or […]

She is hiding in plain sight, hidden within your heart and body, mind and soul. 

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