Speak with one of our fertility experts to discuss your personal circumstances and learn more about your infertility treatment options;  FOR FERTILITY related treatments please contact DR KOOPERSMITH at THE CALIFORNIA CENTER 4 REPRODUCTION   818-907-1571 or make an appointment.

What Can a Fertility Specialist in Sherman Oaks Do?

Fertility Specialist

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If you are having problems with your fertility, a fertility specialist can help. Our endocrinologists are committed to treating female and male infertility. We are committed to providing you with professional medical care. Our clinic believes in treating our patients like family. We understand that not being able to conceive can be emotionally troubling. We are here to provide you with physical, mental, and emotional support. We provide all of our patients with a treatment plan that is tailored to his or her medical condition. Our clinic is conveniently located in the heart of Sherman Oaks, CA. If you’d like more information regarding our personalized fertility treatments, we have provided some information regarding our services below. 

Before any treatment is started, our doctors will first conduct a few tests in order to get a proper diagnosis. If you are a male, there are five methods of testing that can be used to obtain a diagnosis: semen analysis, hormone testing, genetic testing, testicular biopsy, and imaging. With semen analysis, our doctors will collect up to five samples from you. The semen will be stored in a clean container and immediately examined in our lab. Hormone testing is an easier way to diagnose male infertility. With hormone testing, our doctors will require a blood test to examine your testosterone levels. Genetic testing is also tested through a blood sample. Genetic testing uses your blood to detect any genetic infertility problems. In some cases, a testicular biopsy may need to be conducted in order to diagnose infertility. During a testicular biopsy, a small sample of tissue will be removed from one or both testicles. After the tissues are collected, they will then be examined under a microscope immediately. In rare cases, an imaging test of the vas deferens will be conducted to diagnose to cause of infertility. No matter which method of testing is needed for your diagnosis, our fertility specialists are here to support you every step of the way. After you are properly diagnosed, your treatment will begin. 

In some cases, a lifestyle change can completely restore fertility. Our doctors will help you create new habits that can help with your fertility. These habits may consist of a diet change, exercise, or discontinuance of alcohol and smoking. If a lifestyle change does not work: don’t worry! There are other ways to restore male fertility. Medication is one of the most popular ways to treat male infertility. Certain medications may be in order to improve sperm production and quality. In some cases, a surgical procedure could be required in order to treat male infertility. A surgery could help reverse a sperm blockage and immediately restore fertility. 

If you are a woman, then you will require different methods of testing to diagnosis the cause of your infertility. Before any testing is done, a fertility specialist will give you a gynecological exam. If there aren’t any complications during your gynecological exam, we can begin testing. There are six different methods that can be used in order to diagnose female infertility: ovulation testing, hysterosalpingography, ovarian reserve testing, imaging testing, hysteroscopy, and laparoscopy. Ovulation testing is a basic method to test fertility. During an ovulation test, our doctors will collect a blood sample. This blood sample allow us to see if you’re ovulating. A hysterosalpingography evaluates the condition of your fallopian tubes and uterus during an X-ray. Ovarian testing determines the quantity of eggs you produce during evaluation. This method of testing can only be completed at the start of your menstrual cycle. An imaging test is a popular way to diagnose fertility. During an imaging test, a pelvic ultrasound is given to examine your uterus. We will also check for ovarian diseases or infections. In rare cases, our doctors may need to conduct a hysteroscopy. During a hysteroscopy, our doctors will lightly insert a device through your cervix to test for any potential abnormalities. A laparoscopy is also a rare test that is used to diagnose infertility. This test is completed during a surgical procedure. This procedure is used to identify scarring, endometriosis, blockages, or irregularities of the fallopian tubes. Once we obtain your diagnosis, we can begin treatment immediately. 

There are three basic treatments available to help assist with female infertility: stimulating ovulation with fertility medications, intrauterine insemination, and surgery. Stimulating ovulation with fertility medications is done to regulate or induce ovulation. Intrauterine insemination can also be used to treat infertility. Intrauterine insemination is a non-invasive procedure that can be done in our office. During this procedure, our fertility specialist will insert healthy sperm in your uterus during ovulation. You will then be monitored closely to ensure that the pregnancy was successful. Surgery can also be done to treat infertility. Surgery can assist with scar tissue, pelvic adhesions, fibroids, and endometrial polyps. 

If the traditional infertility treatment methods aren’t right for you, our clinic also offers assisted reproduction technology to assist with starting a healthy pregnancy. In vitro fertilization is one of the most common assisted reproductive technologies used. During in vitro treatment, we will collect multiple eggs that have matured. Once these eggs have been collected, they will be implanted into your uterus after they have fertilized.

No matter which treatment you are required to receive, please be sure that you have managing emotional stress. Too much stress during fertility treatment is not good for you or the baby. We recommend that you reduce stress by communicating with your family and friends, exercise, and do things that you enjoy. Limiting emotional stress can help prevent miscarriages and other additional complications. If you need additional support, please reach out to our office. We will provide with as much emotional support as we can. If additional help is needed, we will provide you with the correct resources. 

When you are ready to make an appointment at our office, there are steps you can take to properly prepare. When you visit our office, our endocrinologist will ask about your sexual history. They will need to know about your attempts to get pregnant. We recommend that you write down the dates of when you started trying to conceive, how many times you’ve had intercourse, and the outcome. Our endocrinologist will also need to know what day of the month your cycle starts and when it ends. We will also need to know about any previous pregnancies. 

Please note that general health information is also needed. We require knowledge of any health conditions you or your partner have. We recommend that you and your partner gather the health history of your family members. This history should detail whether any family members has had high blood pressure, diabetes, fertility problems, sickle cell anemia, heart disease, or any other general health condition. 

You should also make a list of any vitamins, herbs, medications, or other supplements you may be taking. Sometimes, some medications or supplements can decrease fertility. If you bring this list, our endocrinologist will be able to determine if your medication is damaging your fertility. 

We recommend that you make a list of questions to ask our endocrinologist. Some frequently asked questions can be seen below.

  • Are there any long-term complications associated with infertility treatments?
  • How often should I have intercourse?
  • Do lubricants cause infertility? 
  • Do hot baths cause infertility? 
  • What is the likelihood of conceiving multiple babies with my recommended treatment? 

The questions seen above are just examples. If you have more questions to ask our endocrinologist, please do not hesitate. We are here to help. We want to make sure that you are as comfortable as possible throughout your journey with us. If you do not understand some information, please ask our medical professionals to explain in a different way or ask follow-up questions. 

If you have additional questions, please feel free to reach out and make an appointment with West Coast Women’s Reproductive Center. At our convenient location in Sherman Oaks, our friendly fertility specialists are always eager to provide assistance to new and existing patients. Our endocrinologist and medical staff members will discuss your fertility goals. We will also give you a tour of our office, and you will have the opportunity to meet our friendly staff members. Contact us today to set up your consultation – we look forward to speaking with you!

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