Speak with one of our fertility experts to discuss your personal circumstances and learn more about your infertility treatment options;  FOR FERTILITY related treatments please contact DR KOOPERSMITH at THE CALIFORNIA CENTER 4 REPRODUCTION   818-907-1571 or make an appointment.

Find Answers with the Help of Our Infertility Doctors

Infertility Doctors

There is nothing you want more than to be a mother. You thought it would be simple. You and your partner have been intimate as much as possible. At first, you just enjoyed yourself. Now that a year has gone by, you’re worried. You know stress can’t be helpful, but you don’t know why pregnancy […]

Can Infertility Doctors Really Help?

Infertility Doctors

Couples who have been trying to conceive and been unable to do so often turn to infertility doctors. The good news is that these medical professionals can often help the couple find out what’s happening and get back on the path to becoming parents. Here are some examples of what the doctor will do on […]

She is hiding in plain sight, hidden within your heart and body, mind and soul. 

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