Speak with one of our fertility experts to discuss your personal circumstances and learn more about your infertility treatment options;  FOR FERTILITY related treatments please contact DR KOOPERSMITH at THE CALIFORNIA CENTER 4 REPRODUCTION   818-907-1571 or make an appointment.

Starting the Conversation with Our Fertility Doctor

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The hope of having a family is beginning to wane. After trying for some time, nothing is happening. Before you give up, it makes sense to seek help from a fertility doctor. During that initial conversation, the doctor will provide you with quite a bit of information. Here are some examples of the questions you want to ask as the conversation gets underway.

What Will We Do First?

As the fertility doctor will explain, the first step is to conduct a full assessment of each person’s health. That includes considering medical history as well as any ongoing health issues either individual possesses. There are times when certain health issues will complicate the process of conceiving. By being aware of those issues, it’s possible to determine to what extent they are making it more difficult conceive and what can be done to compensate for them.

The doctor is also likely to order some additional tests. This provides up to date information about the current health of both parties. It’s not unusual for something that was not diagnosed previously to be found. In many cases, it will be something that’s easily treated and may be all that’s necessary to increase the odds of conception.

What Treatment or Treatments Are Right for Us?

There is no one fertility treatment that’s ideal for every couple. Based on the information that the fertility doctor has collected and examined, there is likely one or more approaches that would be right for you. In order to ensure you have enough information to make a decision, the doctor will go over the particulars of each possible option. That includes understanding how each treatment would be conducted and how many sessions will be needed.

Is There Anything We Can Do to Help the Process?

Many patients want to know if there is anything they can change to increase the odds of conceiving. Depending on the results of the tests and the review of the medical history, your fertility doctor may have some suggestions related to changing personal habits, including certain foods in the diet plan, avoiding other foods, and in general engaging in activities designed to increase overall good health.

The decision to seek help from a fertility doctor is often difficult to make. Remember that many issues can complicate the process of conceiving. Our fertility doctor at West Coast Women’s Reproductive Center knows what to look for and how to assess those factors. Rest assured that you will get answers to these and other questions, and have an idea of what decisions you will need to make as a couple. We are conveniently located in Sherman Oaks, CA. Contact us today to schedule your appointment!

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