Speak with one of our fertility experts to discuss your personal circumstances and learn more about your infertility treatment options;  FOR FERTILITY related treatments please contact DR KOOPERSMITH at THE CALIFORNIA CENTER 4 REPRODUCTION   818-907-1571 or make an appointment.

Male Infertility

Many people may be surprised to learn that 40% of infertility in couples is actually due to male infertility. At West Coast Women’s Reproductive Center, we do a thorough analysis of the male partner to help determine what might be preventing successful conception.

Male Fertility Test

The first step in the process of male infertility testing is a comprehensive analysis of the man’s health history including:

  • Is he healthy? Does he have a medical illness? Prior surgery? Taking prescription or over the counter medicines or supplements?
  • What is his diet and exercise and lifestyle like?
  • Can he ejaculate?
  • How often does he ejaculate?
  • Does he have problems ejaculating?
  • Is he exposed to harsh chemicals?
  • What (if any) drugs does he take (prescribed and/or recreational)?
  • Does he smoke or drink?

Semen Analysis

After analyzing the man’s past history, it’s important to then conduct a semen analysis, where we evaluate several characteristics of the semen, including:

  • How much semen is produced during the ejaculation?
  • What is the PH level?
  • How thick is the semen?
  • What color is the semen?
  • How long does it take to liquefy?


After analyzing the semen itself, we then examine the sperm’s characteristics, such as:

  • Is the sperm count low?
  • What is the sperm motility and speed of the sperm?
  • Is the appearance of the sperm normal as far as the size of the head, neck, and tail?

Sperm DNA

A man’s fertility testing usually begins with semen analysis and a blood test to determine if the man is healthy overall and has healthy sperm. Sometimes this data does not provide enough information to determine if a man is fertile. When this is the case, the physician may order a Sperm Chromatin Structure Assay (SCSA), also known as a sperm DNA examination.

If the DNA has increased fragility (more breaks), there may be a correlation with increased infertility and miscarriage. Oxidative damage from toxins or other exposures may increase DNA fragility. An alternate option to the SCSA test is a Tunnel test, which can provide similar feedback. There are several other contributing factors to male infertility that are important to consider.

Together, We’ll Find YOUR Way

We pride ourselves on our comprehensive analysis of each man’s health and fertility history before jumping straight into infertility treatment. After all, it’s important to fully consider the many factors that contribute to male fertility. We’re happy to discuss male infertility test options with you so you can choose what’s most suited to your needs.

We look forward to meeting you, learning about you, and helping you to be healthy and happy. To schedule an appointment, call the West Coast Women’s Reproductive Center at 818-986-1648 or make an appointment.