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Learn About Using Hormone Treatments to Induce Ovulation

Hormone treatments

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You have been actively trying to get pregnant for a year and a half. You’re starting to get nervous. You’re wondering if this is going to happen for you naturally. It’s time to set your mind at ease and put your fears to rest by going to a fertility specialist. Our specialist will analyze you and your partner to determine why conception hasn’t happened for you yet. You may benefit from hormone treatments that will induce ovulation.

How Can Hormone Treatments Help You to Become Pregnant?

One of the most common drugs that triggers the production of hormones related to ovulation is clomiphene citrate. This drug is produced in brand names known as Serophene or Clomid. When you take either of these drugs, they stimulate hormones in your body that will make ovulation happen. You will take these drugs orally in a dosage that is prescribed by our doctor. You will begin with a lower dosage. Over the course of the months to come, that dosage can increase. This treatment option is recommended for up to six months.

Why Choose Hormone Treatments to Stimulate Ovulation?

When you choose medications like Clomid or Serophene, you are helping your body to do what it naturally should. Side effects are minimal. Conception usually happens within three months. If it doesn’t, you can have hormone injections. These injections can produce the same effects as Clomid and Serophene, triggering ovulation. Some hormones can actually improve egg growth. Our doctor will determine the best schedule for injections and the ideal dosage for you. Hormone injections are either injected beneath your skin or into the muscles on different parts of your body.

Always Remember You Have Options

Hormone treatments may be the simple approach that helps you to have a baby. You can start with oral medications, stepping it up to injections if your oral medication is not effective. If you still have not had success in having a baby, you can consider other options. For example, your fertility specialist can help you to pursue in vitro fertilization. Thanks to many advances in medicine, you can improve your chances of having a baby when it doesn’t happen on its own.

Talk to Our Doctor About Hormone Treatments

If you are struggling to conceive, don’t give up hope. Turn to a medical expert to get assistance. The doctor at West Coast Women’s Reproductive Center can offer you answers, such as hormone treatments to induce ovulation. If hormone treatments are right for you, our doctor will help you to get started. We are conveniently located in Sherman Oaks, CA. Contact us today to schedule your consultation!

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