GILLIAN ANDERSON made a lot of people talk the other day at the GOLDEN GLOBES–
Here is my GYNECOLOGIST response– hope it’s not TMI
My patient shared with me the news about her dress and I quickly looked at the picture.
I had to enlarge the image to see it close up, and what I saw was an artistic rendition of the VULVA ( not vagina) .
As a gynecologist, I see this all day long,but not rendered in this artistic fashion.
This rendition was squiggle lines, which reminded me of a musical scale, music, song vibration.
Immediately I was taken back to an exquisite moment in time when I discovered my body could be an instrument of pleasure. When my body truly felt like a guitar full of strings and air, making music as well as pleasure in the bedroom.
As a tomboy since the time I was very little I was always the energizer bunny, always busy, active,running. I had a progressive muscle relaxation practice that helped me relax and feel pleasure but it was quick and goal oriented. I rarely stopped to slow down and feel into my body to savor the moment .
Until recently!!
In the last few years, I have been working to slow down, to meditate, to listen and I’ve been working ( no, playing)to notice my body
and feel my body and notice the sensations.
More than just muscle tension and relaxation, I now can focus and really go inward to feel my body and ALL the sensations, to feel the aliveness and the energy moving through and around the body.
I’ve also studied to relearn my own sexuality–to transform my practice from a performative act to a deep sensation based practice. I can feel my sensations when both giving and receiving pleasure.
When I slow down and go inward, I can become very, very hyper aware of sensation inside the body, outside the body,
AND even in the space around the body, that energetic layer. I have discovered that although we are matter—all matter is also energy and all energy vibrates at different speeds.
And so on this beautiful day , as I was enjoying the touch of another human, I started to realize that my whole body was vibrating.
I started to feel like a guitar box and if he touched one place, it was one note.
And if he touched another place, it was another note.
I started to sing. (likely out of tune)
I started to connect my voice with my body and the pleasure was exquisite.
I literally was one with the universe, a box of air, a human guitar and my friend was playing a symphony .
When we slow down– as women, we can connect with our breath and our body
, with the notes and the silence between the notes.
Remember always.. life is breath… which is air and space.
And we create our own reality.
We can create and play music because our body is an instrument
and this instrument gets to play when we choose.
When you relax so much that you are totally at peace , you too, can notice the merging of energy and matter.– you too can feel both the notes and the quiet between the notes
, you can feel the body and the energy simultaneously.
This can be the embodiment of oneness–this indivisible experience.
I am connected to everything in the universe and there is everything in space
There is really no separation.
And I am connected to the person playing my instrument whether it is me or another human and we can be connected to everything beyond me– to the entire universe.
And so when I look at that beautiful dress:
I see a representation of a part of the human body
BUT I ALSO SEEmusic , sound,
All of that leads to a relaxed nervous system…
The vagus nerve is turned on.
The adrenal gland and stress is turned off.
We are transported to a
A state of rest and digest
A state of relaxation and reproduction
The state that we humans can choose to live in, heaven on earth.
It’s a state of open hearted compassion and connection.
Me to you
You to me
We are one
I invite you to play with your instrument.
Get to know it.
Slow down, listen, feel all the sensations.
I Invite you to know that you really are an instrument of pleasure.
The feminine is truly musical, an instrument of creation
We create life
We can create our life
We can create through pleasure
Through Love
We all come from love and connection .
We can tap into the beauty of this feminine musical instrument that creates pleasure and creates life.
Let’s choose to live from love and pleasure and not fear.
Let’s start living from being rather than doing.
I invite you to stop and listen to the music.
Listen to your music.
Stop and move your body to music.
Let your body feel the music and allow sounds to come out.
It is your body saying PRIORITIZE PLEASURE.
You were born to be well
You were born to be you
Pleasure and Play is your PORTAL to BIRTHING your best life
Dr. Tina Koopersmith
( and PS sexuality and breath and meditation as well as eating and hydration and exercise and sauna/detox are all healing therapies–You have the power to do so much healing personally, dont let the system disempower you)