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Happy New Year: The Start of a New Decade

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January 1, 2020 is not only the start of a new year but also the start of a new decade.

2020 may be a year/decade of clarity and clear vision as the year 2020 suggests. But how do we manifest this clarity.

Clarity takes single laser like focus and intention. We live in an age of information overload full of technology and the newest gadgets. But these, while helping make tasks easier, often bring us further away from clarity. The overstimulation can lead to anxiety and attention deficit which can be the opposite effect that we crave.

So how can we pivot in the year ahead and set ourselves up for success in the coming years.

1) Intention
Step one is to decide that living consciously is important to you. We get so busy in our daily to do lists that we get lost in the forest and never see the trees or flowers along our path. We are often so focused on outcomes and goals and we forget that life is really about the journey and not the destination. So, on December 31 or January 1, sit with yourself and decide what kind of life you want to live, what is important for you to do and accomplish, or how do you want to feel or who do you want to spend time with in the coming year and through the next decade. 10 years from now, where do you want to be in life and with whom?

2) Prioritize
Make a list of your priorities and bucket list for the next decade. Family, friends, health, career, hobbies, finances, etc. Then rank your priorities and choose which priority you will work on first. If family is important to you, how will you make time to be with family in the coming month, year, decade. Similarly, what are your work goals—if you want a different career path, what are the specific steps you need to take to get there. Break it down into SMART goals—simple, measurable, attainable, realistic and timely. Make an outline for each goal and decide on the steps to get where you want to go.

3) Organization.
Once you know where you are headed, we can begin the process of organization. If you have outlined goals, then break them down into bite-size pieces so you can make the changes in your daily, weekly and monthly schedules so that you work on living consciously and fulfilling your desires. Be specific on your calendar. Carve out time that is yours and if you are invited to do something different – that is off-track — check your schedule first and decline if it means giving up your personal time unless you can reschedule time for yourself or this invite is a “not to be missed” event.

4) Centering
This is key. Start every day by centering yourself. Wake up with enough time to have a morning routine: consider journaling and/or meditation or exercise or affirmations to ensure that you stay centered on living a conscious life. If we wake up and immediately check the news, weather, email or social media, you are losing yourself to your community before you even brush your teeth. We need to stay focused on living our own personal journey and what better way than by starting each morning with ourselves.

5) Gratitude
Having a gratitude practice is a great way to start your day or wind down at the end of each evening. Every day, write down one thing you are grateful for. It’s preferable that you don’t repeat the same gratitude over and over again. Spend time each day your environment and you will find appreciation. This will help you maintain joy and resiliency on the daily. And if you are in a funk, reread your prior gratitudes to lift your spirits.

6) Forgiveness
It is a good practice to forgive yourself each evening for what you were unable to do. We have ideals and goals for how we want to be and what we want to accomplish, but even the most accomplished of us often miss the mark. Be gentle with yourself and forgive yourself at the end of the day, have self compassion. Recognize that tomorrow is a new day and you can start each day with a clean slate. Similarly, forgive those around you who may have hurt you, forgiveness is letting go of any hope of a better past and when we forgive others for being human, they lose the power and control over you and your emotions. With an evening closure ritual that includes this practice along with gratitude, you may fall into a deeper slumber that provides much needed rest and restoration to live your best life the next day.


MAY 2020 usher in new beginnings to start this decade off to a life of conscious living filled w PEACE< LOVE<JOY< for yourself, your family and your friends. May you consciously make all your dreams and desires come true.


Tina Koopersmith MD REI FACOG BAIHM

Call or come in and schedule an appointment to discuss how best to enhance your own personal wellness journey.

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