Speak with one of our fertility experts to discuss your personal circumstances and learn more about your infertility treatment options;  FOR FERTILITY related treatments please contact DR KOOPERSMITH at THE CALIFORNIA CENTER 4 REPRODUCTION   818-907-1571 or make an appointment.

Unexplained Infertility

What Does Unexplained Infertility Mean?

Unexplained infertility means that there’s no specific reason that can be found to explain why you haven’t yet become pregnant. We’ve checked your eggs and found that they’re normal and you’re ovulating. We looked at your fallopian tubes, and they’re open. We’ve investigated your uterus, and it’s shaped normally. We analyzed the sperm (twice), and it’s normal, too. You’ve had no surgery on your cervix. Yet it’s been two years or more, and you’re still trying to conceive.

Infertility Treatment Options

For some patients, gestational surrogacy offers the best option for having a child. The primary indications for gestational surrogacy include:

  • Not having a uterus either from having a hysterectomy or from being born without a functional uterus
  • Significant uterine abnormalities including extensive scarring (Asherman’s Syndrome) or inoperable fibroids
  • Serious medical problems that pose too great a risk for the intended mother and/or baby
  • History of repeated unexplained implantation failures with IVF
  • History of recurrent pregnancy loss
  • Gay male couples or individuals

Superovulation with Insemination

Unexplained fertility does not mean that you should give up hope of having a child because there are a number of successful treatments available. With intervention, we can work to increase your chances of conceiving. Standard treatments for unexplained infertility include fertility drugs, followed by insemination — this is to increase the number of eggs and sperm each month and ensure they are in closer proximity in your upper reproductive tract. This particular treatment is easy, quick and relatively inexpensive. Pregnancy rates for this treatment vary depending on which fertility drugs are used and according to age of intended mother. According to many studies with Clomid use and IUI, we expect monthly pregnancy rates of 5-8% per cycle, while using injectables with IUI may double this rate per cycle. At WCWRC, we often use a combination of pills and injectables to maximize pregnancy rates while minimizing costs and multiple gestation risks. Compared to the 1% chance of conceiving naturally after having tried for two years or more, this treatment is well worth trying as a starting point.


For couples with unexplained infertility, the most aggressive option, IVF , is often utilized only after these less intrusive options have failed. However, in cases of advanced maternal age or prolonged ( > 3) years of infertility, IVF may be offered at the outset. IVF success rates vary based on maternal age:

  • 50% in young women
  • 30% in women in late 30s
  • 10-15% in women in their early 40s


In other words, there is hope.

Together, We’ll Find YOUR Way

At West Coast Women’s Reproductive Center, we’ll work with you to customize a plan based on your specific situation. For instance, for younger women, or couples who have only been trying to conceive for 6 months, less intensive treatments may be wise, whereas for older women, or couples have been trying to conceive for a while, more aggressive treatments may be called for. Our fertility doctors are here to evaluate your individual needs and analyze your likely success rates in order to determine the ideal treatment plan for you and your partner.

We look forward to meeting you, learning about you, and helping you to be healthy and happy. To schedule an appointment, call the West Coast Women’s Reproductive Center at 818-986-1648 or make an appointment.