Speak with one of our fertility experts to discuss your personal circumstances and learn more about your infertility treatment options;  FOR FERTILITY related treatments please contact DR KOOPERSMITH at THE CALIFORNIA CENTER 4 REPRODUCTION   818-907-1571 or make an appointment.

Benefits of Egg Donation

You are always looking for ways to give back to others. You believe it is important to do your part to be kind as you shine your light in the world. You can think of no better gift than egg donation. When you choose to donate your eggs, you are making it possible for someone […]

How Egg Donation Can Give You the Family You Want

Egg donation

You are dealing with serious fertility issues. You thought you just needed more time. You tried to relax. You used an ovulation calendar to track the times you would be most fertile. The problem is your menstrual cycles are very irregular. You have gone months at a time without a period. Testing from the fertility […]

How Egg Donation Can Give You the Family You Want

Egg Donation

You are dealing with serious fertility issues. You thought you just needed more time. You tried to relax. You used an ovulation calendar to track the times you would be most fertile. The problem is your menstrual cycles are very irregular. You have gone months at a time without a period. Testing from the fertility […]

Who Can Benefit from Egg Donation?

Egg Donation

Having a child is the perfect way for a loving couple to add to their wonderful family. This is usually very easy to achieve, but some women suffer from fertility issues that prevent them from naturally getting pregnant. While there are medical ways to increase fertility, they do not always work. Luckily, the dreams of […]

Using Egg Donation to Become a Parent

egg donation

It’s sometimes difficult to conceive a child. There could be health issues with your ovaries or your egg production or with your partner’s sperm not reaching the egg as it should. An option that you have is egg donation to become a parent. The first thing that you would need to do to get started […]

She is hiding in plain sight, hidden within your heart and body, mind and soul. 

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